All the logos, brand names, and names of companies or products belong to their respective owners, not us. Our website, APK&YOU, follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), responding to any claims of copyright infringement according to its rules. If someone claims that something on our website is infringing on their rights, we will take it down. Our goal is to provide accurate and legal information, so we will remove anything that might be seen as infringing.

At the same time, if someone uses our content without permission, we will let the owners know so they can take action under the DMCA. If you want to report something on our site that you think infringes on your rights, make sure to include:

  • Signature from the owner or authorized representative
  • Links to the content
  • A statement saying you do not allow infringement
  • We are happy to remove anything that we have borrowed from your website

APK&YOU is for the public good, aiming to educate gamers about APKs. We do not want to invade anyone’s rights, and we would not delay in taking action.